WYSIWYG             (Job 31, Psalm 25, Psalm 119:105-112, John 5:14

Matthews 6:19-7:5, Rom 1:17, Hebrew 12:1,2)



G...                      C                     G                (ditto)

What you SEE, is what you get !

What you SEE, is what you get !

C                        F                   G        (ditto)

What-are-you lOOking  at ?

What-are-you lOOking  at ?           (x2, 1ST time only)


F                                              G           (ditto)

Your eyes are the lamp of your body

What-you-see goes down into your soul

Your heart is, whatever you treasure

Come now,... serve God alone !


F                                              G        (ditto)

Choose the Word of God above your TV

See-Jesus, in everything you do

Walk by faith and not your understanding

Fix your eyes on Jesus,   Sin no more !


F                                              G        (ditto)

The Word of God, helps me to see Jesus

Holy Ghost, please help me be like Jesus

Let=s love each other, and in-our-midst is Jesus

Come follow Him and He will lead us Home !


F                                                              G        (ditto)

Don=t check the chicks, forget the guys - it=s Jesus

Forget the dough, it=s from below - get Jesus

Don=t think of self , but fo=cus - on Jesus

Look at Him, be like Him, get Jesus !


end:-          C, F, G,        C                                   Am, D, G, C

         ... Look at Jesus ! (x4)        ... I see Jesus ! (x4)