"And by speech
and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but
in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should
not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God."
1 Cor 2:4,5
The Synagogue
During the period of 25 August and 1 September 2000, a group of 44
people from South Africa and Botswana visited The Synagogue, Church of
All Nations (located in the city of Lagos, Nigeria). This group
included a number of pastors and laymen as well as ordinary people
(some with sicknesses) eager to see and experience the mighty healing
power of God through the prophet T.B. Joshua. Leon Botha invited
Calvern van der Merwe and me to join the group - as one can only be
invited to go to the Synagogue.
During our visit, we have heard it many times: "I am not the
healer. I know the Healer and His name is Jesus Christ." These are
the words of T.B. Joshua, the overseer of The Synagogue, Church of All
What we have seen
We have seen miracles upon miracles of healing, deliverance,
salvation and restoration (cancer, diabetics, typhoid fever, hernia,
malaria, etc) - all done in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. The
exception was when someone was not healed. Most of the healings though
were evident only after a few days and could not be visually confirmed
on the spot - but the relieve from pain came immediately.
We have seen how five people rose to their feet - one from a
wheelchair and the other from backseats of motorcars: once unable to
walk, but now completely healed and rejoicing in God.
During our visit we have seen how more 50 people were cured from the
dreadful disease of HIV positive/AIDS. This is a reality and not a
hoax! Because of the controversy nature of the disease, people that
come for prayer must have a valid medical certificate less than 2
months old stating their HIV positive status. And they were all healed!
Immediately they were healed of the symptoms and once they go for a
medical test, they discover they are HIV negative again. Ever
wondered if there is a cure for AIDS? There is! His Name is Jesus
We have seen how demon possessed people fall and shake on the floor
as the man of God confronted the evil spirits. To some extend it was
frightening - sometimes comical. We have seen how the agents of Satan (Ogbanjes)
twist and turn on the ground as the consuming fire of the Holy Spirit
cleanses them of their evil and destructive powers. We have seen how
the captives were set free as they confess Jesus Christ as their
personal Lord and saviour and vowed to live for Him alone and sin no
We have also watched video after video of miracles, deliverances and
teachings performed by the prophet T.B. Joshua that was recorded over
the past few years.
We even witnessed the healing of a mental case - a crazy man with no
clothes on.
Still there is a lot that we haven't witnessed yet.
Where is the power?
I was very heart-sore during the first few days. Tears were flowing
as I see the pleading and pain in the eyes of the victims of sicknesses
and disease - not because I pity them (for they get healed anyway). I
was crying because I pity myself and the condition of the churches in
South Africa: powerless to save people from the clutches of sin and
sicknesses. How ironic - we claim to know how it works, but where is
the power?
The question I asked myself so many times: "Why are we not
functioning in the same capacity of power as here in the Synagogue of
all Nations? We ought to be like this… This is our destiny. What are
we doing wrong?"
A man of God?
Everybody in the church refers to T.B. Joshua as "The man of
God" or "the prophet", thus recognizing his anointing
and calling from God.
He is mission orientated and once said: "Personally, I strongly
believe that God will always provide for all my needs till the end of
the mission He sent me to accomplish."
Once asked by one of his disciples if he is a man of God, his answer
was: "Brother, I can not answer you this question. It will be
self-righteous if I should say I am a man of God. But let my works
testify of who I am."
It reminds me of Jesus' answer to John the Baptist when John sent
two of his disciples to Jesus with the question: "Are You the
coming one or do we look for another?"
Jesus answered and
said to them, "Go and tell John the things which you hear and
see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and
the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel
preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of
Mat 11:3-6
The prophet T.B. Joshua spends a lot of time talking to God. We even
had the privilege of visiting his prayer mountain where he spends hours
daily in the presence of God. Even before church services he will not
show up unless the Holy Spirit directs him to.
Why Nigeria?
People in Africa generally do not hide things from one another. It
is part of their culture to be open and unashamed. Westerners are too
shy to show their problems - they try to hide and cover up from one
another. They are too afraid to be ashamed. It is pride.
This is even true in the medical field: In general Africans do not
have the medical facilities to treat sicknesses and diseases. If you
are sick, you are sick. You either recover from it or you do not (and
face death!) Your physical health is usually a direct indication of
your spiritual health. (Just like the lepers in the time of the Bible).
One cannot treat and hide diseases as easily as in the developed
countries. Treating the sickness is treating the symptom of something
deeper. The Western society is good at covering up the symptoms of this
deeper problem - which is sin eventually. But it cannot remove the
origin of the problem.
People in Nigeria are not ashamed to uncover their privacy. Maybe
this is why God is using a man like T.B. Joshua amongst these people to
show the world what God is able to do - even in embarrassment to our
The Cause of Sicknesses
"The thief
does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have
come that they may have life, and that they may have it more
Joh 10:10
All forms of sicknesses and diseases, allergies and phobias,
aliments and infections, accidents and calamities, etc, are NOT from
God. God is not the author and designer of these things. Satan is the
inventor of it all.
What then gives the devil the right to lay these things on a human
Sin - including the sin of the forefathers of the third and fourth
generation - and the lack of spiritual knowledge. Sin gives Satan the
legitimate right to steal, kill and destroy.
"For the wages
of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus
our Lord"
Rom 6:23
Glory be to God who has sent Jesus Christ to break the yoke of
bondage and give us life and abundance of life through the forgiveness
of sin. By the ministry of God's divine forgiveness and deliverance,
people are set free from sin and sicknesses.
Understanding Healing
Most of the healings done by T.B. Joshua took place over a period of
a few days (2 to 7 days - even more). The way the prophet works is to
remove the source of the sickness in the spiritual realm (i.e. the
demonic operation) that causes the sickness. Sicknesses and diseases
are only the symptom of demonic activity. That is why he seldom touches
the sick or speaks to them - he stretches out his right hand or just
stares them in the eyes and "operate" in the spirit. Usually
the person has not control over his/her own spirit and they stumble or
fall around during the ministry.
Once the deliverance is done, the healing of God sets in. It is also
remarkable to see how the sicknesses come out of the body (e.g.
cancerous growth) after a few days. This might be disturbing to see.
Public Confession of Sin
The prophet T.B. Joshua emphasise a righteous life before God. His
motto for the people of his church is: "Sin no more" (Joh
That is why public confession of sins plays an important role in his
church. This is usually done in front of a video camera or during
church meetings. Only when you confess your sins before a righteous
man, can you receive divine deliverance from sin and strongholds.
Our paradigms were deeply challenged during the Sunday service when
the prophet exposed the sin of his church members (through the word of
knowledge). He would call out names of people and the sin they have
committed. This was done in great detail as if he was present when the
sin had been committed! These people then need to stand up and confess
their sin to the whole congregation in great depth. It is of no use for
them to hide sin or to lie since the Spirit of God shows the prophet
every hidden sin of the people.
"Where can I
go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your
Psalm 139:7
The prophet is hard on people that sinned. He even prays the fire
from heaven down on the sinners - to great amusement to the rest of the
congregation. This is in order to cleanse them and deliver from the
demonic activity they were victims of. There are exceptions to the case
- he is led by the Holy Spirit.
How easy is it for us to hide sin from our spiritual leaders? It is
quite easy to confess your sin to God, but how easy is it to confess
your sin to your pastor or your congregation?
"But if we
walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one
another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us form all
1 John 1:7
Church Services
There are two main church services during the week. The normal
Sunday service, and the Wednesday healing service. The services starts
at 6 am as people rush through the gates of the Synagogue to fall in
the healing line. Sicknesses are categorized and written out on
placards. There is no need to advertise. The tree that produces the
right kind of fruit will attract many.
As the people await the prophet's arrival, they are shown videos of
healings and deliverances (pre-recorded). Once the prophet has arrived
(at the time God has appointed), the service can last from 8 to 14
hours (even more) depending on the needs of the people. This has
challenged my paradigms completely!
The church building can seat approximately 30,000 people. In order
for everyone to follow the events, television sets (approx. 80) are
located all over the church premises. The video ministry are
responsible to televise all the events during the service. And they
need to spark to keep up with the prophet!
We as foreign visitors were overwhelmed by the hospitality during
our stay at the Synagogue, Church of all Nations. We were given free
accommodation (with air-conditioning!), free meals (three times a day)
and free transport from and to the airport. We also were given videos
and sermon notes at the end of our visits. It didn't cost us anything
(except the cold drinks and merchandise we bought at the local shop).
We were treated and served as special guests. They washed our dishes,
made up our beds, cleaned the bedrooms and bathrooms - even washed some
of our clothes. They gave us the best places in whatever is happening
during the church services, and the privilege to dance and rejoice with
the people who gave their testimonies of healing or deliverance. On the
last day of our visit, we had also the special privilege to interview
TB Joshua individually.
I event felt that we have been "set up" in the way that we
were treated.
Spiritual Harmony
One thing that we have noticed is the harmony in which the people
work together. Wherever we went and whatever the time (even during the
night), people were working at the church. We did not find any person
coordinating and managing the workers (not that I could see). As they
are gifted, people offer their services and time for the cause of the
church, be that with the sound, cleaning, video editing, building,
preparing the food, teaching, etc.
No one is actually working for a salary (I may be wrong) - yet there
were a lot of people working and living at the church, day and night.
They eat, sleep and live in the church premises. Food and water are
also provided at minimal cost to feed the workers and all those who
recover from sicknesses, poverty and oppression. The man of God even
gives money to some of the people to re-establish them in businesses
once they are healed.
Is this how the church of Acts 4 functioned?
During the extent of our visit we had to remain on the church
premises. This was the only way they can guarantee our safety.
How can I ever forget my trip to Nigeria? A week was too short to
grasp it all. It is as if I have walked with the apostles of old,
witnessing their deeds and actions. The Bible has never been a greater
reality for me than here in the Synagogue, Church of all Nations. If I
didn't know Jesus was sitting at the right hand of the Father, I would
say He is at the Synagogue of All Nations. By this I emphasize that God
wants all of us to be like Jesus Christ - it is possible.
I bless God for the great honour to visit the Synagogue and witness
these signs and wonders through His prophet T.B. Joshua. I am glad that
"I wasn't there yet" in my Christian walk. I still need to
know what it is to be "married with Jesus Christ" as prophet
T.B. Joshua once said. "Spirit immersed in spirit". I still
have something to see forward! Hallelujah! There is still a lot more to
receive than this spiritual "elegant sufficiency" I have
experienced for far too long.
I thank God for Leon who has invited me to go on this trip. Most of
all I thank God for hearing my prayer that day!