Just Another Jesus Freak
If you are not a Jesus freak, what kind of freak are you?
Photo Gallery 6


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TB Joshua

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Photo Gallery 6

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ek_calvern.jpg (38110 bytes) Calvern and I at a beautiful painting on the wall of the church premises. These paintings were all over the place.
3kostuums.jpg (62369 bytes) Leon, Bennie (that's me) and Andries in traditional Nigerian clothes. It took some courage - but once the Nigerians saw us they insist us wearing it the whole day!
3manne.jpg (30399 bytes) Me, Leon and Calvern in front of the alter.
ed_trappe.jpg (47314 bytes) Me at a building site. They were constantly building and working while we were there.
ek_ben.jpg (74505 bytes) Me and Ben at the prayer mountain. What a friendly man - always greeting and joking.
ek_naby.jpg (56184 bytes) Me at the Blood of Jesus ceremony.
picture1.jpg (47002 bytes) One of the pictures at the altar that really caught my attention.
picture2.jpg (42876 bytes) ...this one also.
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